Who is Bowenwork for?
Bowenwork is a gentle, effective, noninvasive touch therapy that stimulates the body’s ability to heal itself. It can be done through clothing. You will learn to apply key elements of Bowenwork to different parts of the body to:
- Ease breathing difficulties
- Relieve muscle tension, joint pain or stiffness
- Ease heartburn, acid reflux and other gastrointestinal complaints
- Relieve neck, back and knee pain
- Address injuries
Bowenwork is safe and appropriate for all — from infants to the elderly, from elite athletes to people with chronic conditions.
“I began Bowenwork therapy after many years of struggling with infertility. At 38 years old I was diagnosed with Diminished Ovarian Reserve and went through multiple rounds of IVF and IUI procedures without success. I also experienced multiple miscarriages and was eventually told that my best chance of having a baby would be to use donor eggs. I made the decision to stop fertility treatments and went to see a Homeopathic doctor who referred me to Ketna for Bowen therapy. After a few months of therapy sessions with Ketna I became pregnant and am now the mother of a beautiful, healthy five month old baby girl. I can’t thank Ketna enough for all that she has done for me and would recommend Bowen therapy to others.”